Chop Point represents a focused, individually-tailored learning experience for each student. One is permitted to explore the limits of his or her academic potential, while no child is left behind. And where else could you sail to an uninhabited island after class?”
Christopher Lindsey, assistant district attorney in Fannin County, Texas, and Chop Point alumnus
Chop Point School offers college preparatory academics with a Christian world view. Graduating students can critically analyze the world around them and act in a moral fashion. High school students gain confidence, sharpen academic skills, and prepare for the future.
English classes read and analyze British and American literature, along with studying the historical eras of the English language. Writing is stressed as students prepare college essays, research papers, creative works, and response papers. In History, students learn geography, US Government and Economics.
Biology, chemistry, and physics come alive through lectures and labs, and area field trips.
Graduates of our program frequently mention that they felt well prepared for college. Upon completing Saxxon math, many graduates have placed out of college mathematics.